Hope for the Future: Ding Dong, HB1136 is Dead

Republicans in the State House would’ve used HB 1136 to kill public schools in Indiana like the one my kids attend. We citizens killed the bill instead. Continue reading
Republicans in the State House would’ve used HB 1136 to kill public schools in Indiana like the one my kids attend. We citizens killed the bill instead. Continue reading
Is the 2024 Eclipse A SIGN OF THE END TIMES?!? (Implement Betteridge’s Law here as you consider the answer) Continue reading
from the are-we-the-baddies? dept: https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/21/24079371/google-ai-gemini-generative-inaccurate-historical
Context-free Spicy Autocomplete strikes again. Continue reading
(from the importunate-widow desk): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpBPm0b9deQ
Jon Stewart is back on The Daily Show. For one day a week, at least. His first show was this past Monday, and he came out swinging with a piece about the upcoming presumptive election battle between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Continue reading
A delightful interaction between the sublime moon and the mundane Earth. Continue reading
(from the mothers-maiden-name desk): https://pluralistic.net/2024/02/05/cyber-dunning-kruger/#swiss-cheese-security
Cory Doctorow regales us with his story of being phished, being scammed, being almost scammed, and being almost phished again, and uses his $8,000 fleecing as an opportunity to teach us about swiss cheese security, when everything lines up perfectly for a scammer to get through. Continue reading
(from the Tuls-and-Nevy-shipping dept) “Ava’s Demon” is back!
https://www.avasdemon.com/ Continue reading
from the red-planet-whirlybird desk Well done, Ingenuity. The Martian helicopter—well, okay, it’s an Earth helicopter on Mars—flew its final mission this month, breaking one of its rotors during its 72nd out of five planned flights in the thin Martian atmosphere. The four-pound aircraft flew a total of 11 miles (17… Continue reading
I’ve just started a new thing, and it’s part of this very site. Inspired by Cory Doctorow’s excellent linkblog, pluralistic.net, and born out of a desire to have less of my life depend on social media platforms I have no control over, I’m going to be putting together short posts… Continue reading
from the the-tech-isn’t-the-problem-the-implementation-is-the-problem desk The Verge posted this delightful article about how…uh…we’ll call them “ethically-challenged” companies have shown their hand on Amazon by wiring ChatGPT directly up to Amazon and telling it to generate whole product ideas for them. Companies hiding behind multiple nonsense names has been a problem on… Continue reading