Airplane on a Treadmill

by Randall Munroe of xkcd.  Originally posted at; reposted here for language sensitive audiences. — Feynman used to tell a story about a simple lawn-sprinkler physics problem. The nifty thing about the problem was that the answer was immediately obvious, but to some people it was immediately obvious one… Continue reading

Resolved toward Reconciliation

Historically speaking, the Church has done some pretty crazy and ludicrous stuff.  Last week, one part of it repented of a crazy and ludicrous season in their history. So, I’m a member of a Church.  That church is a member of a Presbytery.  That presbytery is a member of a… Continue reading

PCA General Assembly #44: Overture 43 and supporting documentation (2016)

Overture 43 from Potomac Presbytery “Pursuing Racial Reconciliation and the Advance of the Gospel” Whereas, the 43rd General Assembly considered a personal resolution on racial reconciliation and referred the matter to the 44th General Assembly, so that lower courts could perfect and propose a resolution encouraging “heartfelt repentance”; and Whereas,… Continue reading